Monday, January 26, 2009

Isabella's riding "green"...

She is now riding a 110 Kawasaki, we sold her old bike on Saturday as well. She went riding yesterday with Parker, Lizzie and Soren. She said her new bike is WAAAY faster then her old on. Mike said she did great and she is very comfortable on it. I'm so glad we were patient and waited rather then purchased the other bike that was way too big for her (in mom's opinion).

Soren is becoming a riding machine, and making his dad very proud. He took a few falls but got right back up and starting riding again. They want to go out again this next weekend, and since Mike doesn't care about football at all he is willing to go.

We aren't going camping until Easter due to Isabella's CYT play. I'm trying to talk Mike into selling my bike, I never ride it and we don't really need an extra bike these days. I have the Polaris Ranger and that is my bike.

Friday, January 9, 2009

CYT auditions

Isabella is trying out tonight for a part in Jungle Book with CYT - Christian Youth Theatre - - She has to go on stage state her name, age and then sing a 1 minute song. Ofcourse she picks "Amazing Grace, my chains are gone" - it is a great song and she sings it well. She has a beautiful voice but never had any formal voice training ( I think that will be next on the list). Please pray that she does her best. I was thinking "Happy Birthday" would have been much easier....

There are 4 other girls trying out that she goes to school with, so hopefully everyone will get a part in the play. It is a great experience for her, it is alot of work for mom and dad too, but hey isn't that why we are on earth?

Poor Soren gets to do nothing....tomorrow is baseball sign ups so I will make sure we get him signed up and he feels special. The good news is, he doesn't know the difference. He is not feeling well again today, a slight fever and a stomach ache. I know the steroids are making him ill, but the fever has me stumped - maybe his "little" body is fighting something off.

Glad it is is going good though this first week in 2009. We had an awesome follow up team meeting yesterday and some changes are being put in place. I know God's plan is for me to work at Paragon at this time, and 2009 is my year to shine at work.

On a sad note... Mark Lamberth passed away last night, it is so strange because I don't know him or his family but feel a part of their lives through their blog . They have an amazing love for the LORD, and it should be a testament to us all. I pray for his wife and young son to have peace in the these coming days.

Have a fantastic Friday!!
cars xxox

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's good to be Green!

Last year our family made a good(not great) attempt at going green, this year is going to be better. I really do want us to try to do more vegetarian... not sure why all green blog sites seem to be killing cows, chickens and pigs not Green?

Anyway tonight NO HEATER..okay that is so easy since it is warm today, but we are so spoiled by the heater, even though it makes all of us get a cold. Tonight it is flannels and blankets.

Also I am ordering my family water bottles maybe here but need to still look around. We are going to get rid of all purchasing of water bottles and start caring around our will also help put more pennies in our bank account.

I have been following this blog, and it appears as though things have gotten worse in the past 24 hours. It is very sad he is so young and with a young family. The silver lining in the whole story is the amazing love for the Lord they have and their friends have, I read it everyday, and it just reassures me of the great love we have in Jesus Christ, and there is a reason for everything he does in our lives... The story hits home with me since Mark was injured in a motorcycle accident...another reason I pray my sweet husband will accept Jesus into his life.

I found out about the Lamberth's at this website, which I LOVE to read daily, 2 even 3 times a day... She is funny and has great stories and obviously great friends.

Mike just called and he has to be up for work at 11:00PM - I need to go make him soup and grilled cheese and give him a nice back rub. He is working his buns off this week. He is a good egg that man of mine.

No Awana for the kids tonight...we are going to shower and pj it early, and finish our thank you cards.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome 2009

Happy New Year! I have been trying to think of my "word" for 2009 - there could be so many choices: Believe, Faith, Peace, Drink ( just kidding), Simple, Focus, Organize, throwawaycrap (okay so do made up words work?), Family, Love etc... you get the picture.

I think for me personally - "simplify" would be my personal word. Really I would want it to be "selfish", just so I made time for me this year, but I know the word "selfish" is not good, and I know putting others first is what the bible tells me to do. Which would lead me to Mike's word for me ( or really a phrase)..."just say NO". I know Mike thinks I spread myself too thin at times.

I think my word for Mike would be - "Faith", I know God has a plan for Mike to come to know him, my hope for 2009 would be for Mike's faith to grow stronger, and that we could pray together.

My word for my kids would be "Focus"... just so they could pay attention to what they are doing, if it is homework, bike riding, playing in their rooms, cleaning, etc... Just focus on the task they are doing.

But if I had to pick just one word for our Family for 2009, it would be GRACE! Giving and receiving. Sometimes it is easier to give grace then to receive it.

Mike and I want to get our house and garage cleaned out and throw away some stuff, and there is going to need to be alot of giving and receiving of GRACE during this process. The good news is we both have alot of "stuff", the bad news is we both think we "might" need it someday. We need that clean house lady to come and help us determine what stays and what goes.

2009 is my year to get rid of the extra 50-60 pounds of "stuff" on my body as well. Mike's 25 year school reunion is in August and I want to wear a cute black dress - so that is my goal. 2008 I didn't even try to get rid of the "stuff" and that has never happened before, typically I'm always trying but last year I just gave in to it, accepted it and knew I had to concentrate on other issues. I will be healthy (and thin) this year!

My words for my work are all 3 - FAITH, FOCUS and GRACE...funny how they all applied to me at work! Faith that I will not be layed off, Focus on the task, and lots of giving and receiving of Grace...

Happy New Year my dear 3 readers ( oh that should have been my goal for this year, increase that number to 6)... I did put our blog on my Christmas card so you never know.
