Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm feeling a bit funky lately and unfortunately I don't mean the fun kind of "let's go disco dancing" funk, or "check out my new Jimmy Choo's" funk...I mean the gross kind of UGH funk...sometimes I get AGIDA, which is a good kind of funk because I can snap out of agida quickly. 
I'm not motivated to do anything, which then causes more issues because I procrastinate EVERYTHING....I mean I would stay in my pj's all day if it was possible.  I know that I am the only person that can get me out of this funk so maybe that I'm actually writing it and posting it on my blog for my one friend to read (Hi Shelley), that is the start to getting over this.  I think I'm just getting the Feb blues a bit early...Feb 1st to the 9th are my most dreaded days of the year...but then celebration time when my noodle has a birthday on the 13th.

I know I need make a list and cross things off as I do them and be realistic.  So today my goals are:

Visit my friend "Jim"
Mail package to Shelley - crop challenge crap
Mail pj's to American Girl so Isabella can have the correct size ( that is a year old item)
Organize office

That is alot for one day, because on top of that I still have to do my Cinderella chores, and there are no mice or birds helping out this princess...

Hey I already got to cross 1 thing off - Hooray for me...here I go to get these things done....

Have a great Tuesday! (Shelley)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gourmet Dinner /Wine Tasting

This is a few years old (notice Cami's long hair), but such a fantastic night...I can watch it over and over (even though I look like chubbette) It is at Larry and Tressa Coco's beautiful home in Temecula.  The Esterholt, Wales and Oursler families did a gourmett dinner/wine tasting evening.  The kids were so awesome and didn't bug us once during the wine tasting.  We are so blessed that all 8 of them get along so well, and Tanner is a trooper as the only "big" kid.  It was almost like a mini weekend vacation...we drank wine, cooked a great dinner, played lots of games in the "game" room, drank more wine, laughed, and enjoyed our life long friendships...I sure hope we do this again really soon (hint, hint).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hauling Wind...

This is what Mike did all of December...Hauled Wind from Coleman,Texas to Indio, Ca.  He is such a hard working man and great employee.  He "hauled" butt (no pun), and made sure nothing went wrong along the way.  He was able to enjoy himself a bit as well, hanging with his friend Jeff and the owner of the local restaurant in Coleman, eating "scraps" and chatting it up.
  It was hard on the kids for him to be gone for so long, but they made sure they cuddled with him on the weekends when he was home.  Marco flew him home on the 23rd so he could enjoy Christmas and then he was back at it on the 26th. 

He just proves that low bedding is the "special forces" of the trucking industry!

You Rock Love!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't look back...

2010 is over and we can't look back on all the "would of, could of, should of's".  It was a tough challenging year for most people around the country and everyone has someone they love who is unemployed.  I started out the year without a job for the first time in my life as a working girl...it was a tough adjustment.  I missed my friends at work, my paychecks, my feelings of accomplishments...I might have even missed Mike Migliaccio yelling at me at time or two...(at least I knew he cared).  I DID not miss the commute over Ortega Hwy, getting the kids and myself ready in the am, a super mad transferee or working all day and then starting my other job once I got home.  I had all these great ambitions of things I would do while unemployed...lose weight, do my quiet time every morning, learn to sew,  have a perfect house (that is my favorite), peaceful mornings, scrapbook, organize every cupboard..you get the picture! 

So don't look back all the things we "would have done"...if we were more organized, or the things we "could have done"... if we had more money, or the things we "should have done"...if we were more disciplined.   We need to concentrate of what we did get done in 2010...my kids LOVED having a stay home mom that is for sure...moving them to a new school was so less stressful while not commuting to work.  I had dinner on the table most evenings, which means we rarely went out for pizza or fastfood, and I did  join the gym with my friend Barb..and went!!

I look forward to a new year of "will do's, can do's and shall do's" !

Monday, January 3, 2011

Long lost blog - Happy 2011

Jake and Soren (what is that smile?) Isabella and Riley - New Year's Eve 2010

Okay so I didn't blog once in 2010(because I was FB crazy)...and I wasn't working, how silly is that for you? But I LOVE to read blogs daily and get upset with my bestie when she does not update hers often and my other bestie needs to start one....So one of my "resolutions" (even though I hate that word) is to fire up the blog again so my 2 readers (yes Cami that includes you) will read about my daily life...even though they live it with me.

Oh and we must buy a new camera so I have pictures to document - nothing fancy , just a point and shoot...

We spent New Year's at Red Mountain...very small group, just 2 other families and Uncle Bubba went with us...it was cold but so GREAT with no wind. I sat by the fire more on this trip then I did the 8 days we went over Thanksgiving...I made my husband happy by going on a family ride on my Honda 100 - did pretty good for a 46 yr old, out of shape, haven't been on the bike in 2 years girl that I am...Kids went on long Dad ride - Soren on Isabella's 110 and Isabella on "my" Honda...they both are stepping up to new bikes. Soren even rode the Esterholt's 65...which has a clutch and it goes fast which scares me a bit, but I know I need to let it go.... we weren't home 1 hour and Mike was already on craigslist looking at a 65 to get for the kids to share...

It was a great weekend, and so glad we left when we did because it started to snow on the drive home and then they closed Cajon pass later in the night.

My goal for 2011 is to continue to love my family and friends with my whole heart and be there for all of them everyday. My theme for 2011 is "Downsize"...all parts of my life and to have a love affair with a guy named "gym".