Monday, April 7, 2008

Mommy Dearest...

That is what I feel like... good thing we don't have any wire hangers. Okay I am kidding, however yesterday Isabella woke up feeling cruddy and I said -"get dressed we are going to church", not knowing if it was just her way of getting to stay in bed and watch tv. She said her stomach hurt and spent 1/2 the morning on the toliet, then her throat and head hurt, so I gave her some oregano oil (which by the way will zap cold right away - post about it coming soon). She took them and didn't eat much before we left for church. Mike is out of town so she had to go with me and I really felt that it was just the "drama" in her coming out. But boy was I wrong....

On the way to church she never really snapped out of her cruddy attitude and that should have been my sign. So I am in Sunday school and they have to come and get me because she got sick... I felt horrible. We got her and the floor cleaned up (sorry for the details), and we went home. I am still thinking it was the oregano oil and not the flu, so we stop at the store and get Peptobizmal tablets (yuck) and I make her take them when we get home, and I quote myself saying "don't be so dramatic and just chew and swallow", so she ends up barfing them up. Still I'm not thinking flu, I'm thinking the yuck of the tablet made her barf....

She really did have the flu was proceeded to get sick 4 more times, just dry heaving because the poor thing had nothing in her system (well except the oregano oil capsule I made her swallow). She slept for about 3 hours and then woke up for 6 sips of 7-up that came back up.

Mike got home and I made us a good dinner and she said very weakly from the couch "can you stop the dinner smell it is making me sick"

So I really did feel like Faye Dunaway in "Mommy Dearest" , next time I need to listen to my child and not be so quick to make her better. Life is too short and this is the Lord's way of reminding me to SLOW down.

Let's hope the rest of us don't get it!

Have a healthy week - Caroline

1 comment:

Shelley E said...

Poor is no fun being sick. I love your Mommy Dearest comparison...did you read the book? I did- she was horrible!! You are nothing like her (which you know! :) )
Hope the rest of you stay healthy. Have a good week.