Okay so I am a bit late on my vacation pictures and there is not 1 single picture of the 4 of us. I have a great video that my brother in law made but I can't figure out how to post it...hint hint Chris -
Here are just a few funny photos. Cami has the best pictures which I will share soon.
Here is Soren and Elizabeth on the boat dressing up poor Stella with some sunglasses. Since Stella jumps the fence we had to bring her with us (which cost $50.00 extra bucks). Sunglasses were the hit of our summer - wait until to you see Isabella's -8 going on 28....
Here is Cami "cliff jumping" - she was the first one out of the boat to do the jump. Everyone jumped including Soren, he was so brave. I did not jump because of my cold, I didn't do much on this trip - no bun busting for me either. I was sick when we left for vacation and wanted to take it easy so I didn't get worse.
It was a great week and everyone had a blast, although camping can be a alot of work and especially "dry" camping (for the novice that means there are no hook ups), and it doesn't matter if we are boating or motorcycle riding, there is always work for Mike and me to do - either fixing something (poor Mike) or cooking and cleaning for me. That is one blessing about our camper being old, if the kids spill it isn't the end of the world.
It was such a wonderful experience for our kids to get to go on vacation with all 5 of their cousins. They enjoy hanging out with Ray and Joe so much and wish we could see them more often.
Thank goodness the boat was fixed and it was a minor repair.
looks like a fun trip...:)
Sounds like you had fun. I SOOOO know what you mean about how much work it is to camp. We don't have hookups when we go to the desert to go riding...and I watch every DROP the kids use in the shower. And, don't even get me going on the amount of dust that they drag in...lol. Hope you are feeling better and have kicked the cold.
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