Friday, January 11, 2008

"What doesn't belong" Organized Chaos

Here is a picture of my work desk at home, it is a mess. Can you see what doesn't belong? Maybe the princess plate or the travel shampoo, or the headband (that no one even wears). I'm pretty sure some organzing guru or feng shui person would tell you that having your desk, where you work should be cleared of un necessary clutter. I promise to post a new desk photo soon. I need to incorporate the "touch it once" philosophy and my life would be that much more organzied.
This weekend I'm going to tackle my closet (you don't even want to see the pictures of that), and my pantry/laundry room, and my craft area/work area. I have been eye spying some really cool craft rooms on different blogs and websites. Need to prune the money tree to make it exactly how I want it... post worthy.

1 comment:

Shelley E said...

too funny- can I get a clipping from your money tree to transplate into my yard??? :)

I hear you on the organization...i need it too!