Mike is back from Deer hunting opening weekend - with no Deer! Ugh... for me. He will want to go back the next 2 weekends to try to get one - he is so determined. Larry's son Lawrence got a deer when he was with Mike and I asked "can't that count?". Mike was really excited for Lawrence, he is in high school and it was his first deer, and he had to do all the gutting himself (mike showed me the video at 12:00am when he got home - gross!) Mike said the fires that were in the Paiute mountains were horrible and all you see is sticks for miles and miles, he said the area will probably never recover.
Yesterday they went Bear hunting as well - Mike doesn't not have a Bear tag ( I will forbid it), and I told him I don't want to hear any stories of "Teddy" or "Smokey" getting killed - the thought of eating bear meat does not sit well with me and trust me I like to eat meat. I wish we could become part time vegetarians but we just aren't there yet.
Mike is pointing to the mountain he hiked on Saturday -(I know you probably thought he was practicing his "Saturday Night Fever" moves). He does love his new "deer desert" hunting clothes, he said they were perfect.
In the past when Mike has been gone the kids weren't that fazed by it, but this trip was harder on them, they asked every night "when is daddy going to be home" - He is leaving on 10-16 for a 10 day trip to South Dakota, pheasant hunting. I think that is what rich people do , take a 10 day vacation without their family.... He has a really terrific wife.
He had a great time and hiked alot and did see several deer just no shots off for him. He was happy and you know our motto "when daddy is happy, everyone is happy".
For those of you "none" hunter type, or as Isabella learned "bunny huggers", this is only the beginning of hunting season and more entries to come about HUNTING. I will say Mike eats what he hunts, he believes in the circle of life and just doesn't do it for the "kill". He is genuine when he tells me "clean out the freezer". I better put meat back on the grocery list for now.
I am officially a "hunters wife".