Thursday, September 4, 2008

A+ Teachers and "Love" update

Here is the card we made to give to the teachers last Friday at "meet the teacher" day.

One of our goals in PTF last year was to be able to give each teacher a gift card to A+ teacher supply, to spend as they wish for the upcoming school year. We as parents know that each teacher spends their own money every year on little misc items for the classroom and our children and PTF wanted to help with that this year.

We achieved our goal - Horray!!

Every teacher was so grateful and surprised. We continue to be blessed with a wonderful staff of teachers and adminstration at Las Brisas, and even with the cutbacks this year, I think it is going to be amazing. Watching everyone glorify God and be glorfied by what God is doing in our lives, is a testament in itself. We are shown daily it is not about "us" but about the man who died for us.

WOW am I preachy today or what....
To my 3 readers (one of which is my cute sister who is not a diligent reader or comment maker) - Please pray for Mike (my husband, not to be confused with Mike my boss), who I refer to as "Love". He hurt his knee and doesn't know what happened, but can't work today or tomorrow- AND...this is big..... He cancelled his Dove hunting for this weekend. I know, I know he must be in alot of pain. He is on the way now to the clinic for workers comp (I told him if it is an injury it happened at work so we can get the workers comp). He is the worst patient so pray for me too - okay always just pray for me, I can always use it.


Shelley E said...

wow- I hope MIke is okay...let me know

christy p said...

Ohhhh I just KNOW your teachers appreciated the gift card. Very thoughtful! I am saying a prayer for Mike.